Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Thoughts And Expressions Of The Night
So here we are, the dawning of a new era.
How I long for the light to enter my life again,
I have felt shrouded by the darkness, for these past few years.
Gradually it has enveloped me, as if a vampire,
sucking all the freshness of my spirit and beauty from within.
The wretchedness of hopelessness.
Oh how I yearn to breathe in the joy of life,
To laugh, to smile, to love.
Soon it will be yours again my love.
Most people feel anxious at times in their life...
As a natural response to life's experience we may feel sad, fearful,
nervous or anxious, these feelings are a normal response to stress.
The response is often a prompt to deal with difficult
decisions and any underlying emotions that need to be spoken of.
If we react to stress it can have wide ranging effects on our emotions,
mood and behaviour. There are numerous emotional and physical
disorders linked to stress. When stressed the body suddenly shifts
its energy resources to a 'fight or flight' response.
If anxiety becomes excessive it can create anxiety disorders,
each disorder has its own emotional and behavioural symptoms.
If life's events and challenges become too overwhelming, and
fear and worry is constant, creating an obsessive thought
process is likely. It is not uncommon for people with anxiety
disorders to become depressed or for someone with depression
to experience anxiety disorders.
With a loss of ...
~ Self Esteem
~ Self Confidence
~ Self Trust
A sense of ...
~ Detachment and Isolation
~ Anger and frustration
May lead to ...
~ Panic attacks
~ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
~ Self Harm
Depression is a condition in which a person feels such emotional pain
that it debilitates their connection to life, creating sadness, feeling helpless,
hopeless, unmotivated, and extremely fearful of their emotional behaviour.
Gradually it effects the way a person would normally
think, communicate and function.
The condition will put significant emotional and
physical strain on your mind, body and spirit.
The sooner help is sought, symptoms can begin to be alleviated...
I will show you how to understand your emotions and behaviour from a place of compassion.
To learn the skills and tools, to help to work through and
release the pain of suffering from the condition you have experienced.
Helping to reveal your identity through a process of self evolving,
releasing the emotions that lay behind the cause.
~ Bereavement ~ Loss ~ Grief ~ A natural process ~
The discovery and understanding of the process of life on many levels.
~ Finding your way through Cancer ~
Learning how to create the changes we have been aware of or unknown to us.
~ Promoting the nurturing of ourselves on all levels ~
~ Releasing and understanding emotions that will help us
to move forward and create a balance for ourselves ~
These are only a few of the areas that we need to learn
to help us to move forward within our lives.
Every individual holds the key to their own ability to facilitate
change given the right conditions for growth and self actualisation.
Depression and anxiety can be lifted as the individual experiences
more self acceptance and self worth.
"Jane was recommended to me at a very traumatic time in my life when I had completely lost all hope.
There was absolutely no way back for me. Or so I thought.
I had been bedridden for almost 2 years with crippling anxiety and depression.
I had suffered from this a few times in the past and found a way to heal each time.
But this was different - I did not even know such pain existed.
However, as soon as I spoke to Jane, something inside me shifted.
It was very subtle at first, but a tiny light inside had been turned back on.
As the months progressed, I worked very closely with Jane to find the answers to my problems.
She was extremely compassionate, very focused and highly accurate in terms of her intuitive guidance.
There was no "magic wand" I had to work very hard on myself
I also needed some complementary support
from one or two others along the way - but Jane was my perfect guide.
To this date, she has always been there for me and I trust her implicitly.
She helped me to find a way out of my intense suffering and back to a life of wholeness
and for this I will be eternally grateful" J
Copyright © 2016 Jane March. All rights reserved.