Non Directive Humanistic Mediation and Conflict Resolution
The Natural World of Balance
By Adrian Gray
Non Directive Humanistic Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Humanistic mediation offers the individual a transformative journey of peacemaking...
That connects to compassion, inner strength and our common humanity.
A platform for open self expression... which embraces the connectedness of yourself
to your belief system and the core of your being.
A place where we feel safe to communicate our feelings
that can be heard and understood by the other party.
As a mediator my belief is in the connectedness of
all things and our common humanity.
A healing presence acknowledges the experiences,
the emotional pain and suffering of the human condition.
I believe in a healing process of the involved parties,
helping each other through the sharing of
their feelings and communication.
To reach a place where we can achieve an outcome of success
within our mediation, an understanding of the process is needed.
This may be of a personal, financial or business nature.
The parties in conflict must be willing to explore their own
version of the truth about the issue...
Be willing to hear and understand the other person's truth
about the Issue and be open to agreeing to change
the way they relate to the other person in future.
My work is to help the two parties come to a clearer
understanding of the other person's perspective...
A separate premediation session is advised for all of my clients...
~ To coach in the ways of communicating feelings,
so that they can be heard by the other party.
~ To coach in the communication of feelings that could be
intense and potentially hurtful to yourself or to the other party.
~ To coach how to own one's feelings rather
than project them upon the other party.
Projecting intense feelings through aggressive communications
often will trigger defensiveness in one or both parties,
and in turn shut down honest dialogue.
~ I believe in the recognition that most people desire to live peacefully
and would choose to grow through life experiences.
~ That we draw upon our inner strength to overcome adversity,
which enables us to grow and help others in a similar circumstance.
~ To understand the dignity and self determination
that comes from resolving conflict.
"What’s unusual and extremely helpful is Jane can talk to
both sides of a couple and members of one family
so that you can learn to understand where the other person
is coming from in a way that you cannot
when you are emotionally involved with them."
Copyright © 2016 Jane March. All rights reserved.