Personal Self Development for Business Enhancement


My understanding of our working life, whether we have chosen

a profession, to create our own business, to be employed, self employed.


To work within our creative self expression, to express our gift,

the importance of truly feeling at peace within our mind, body and spirit 

is vital for the flow of creativity, abundance and success.


When we first interview for a position within business, we have already

experienced many aspects of life and our individual characters are established.

As a result of the emotional outcome of the experiences, 

we create our patterns of behaviour.


We have made choices in how we express ourselves, we know of

joy in our hearts and the pain we have felt... our behaviour is in place 

to help us to adapt to future experiences and self expression and learning.


If our behaviour has been created from a limiting belief process

we will find that we struggle in maintaining a positive mental attitude...

not only towards our self motivation, self expression and creativity,

it will also show in our physical, mental, spiritual and social well being.


Which in turn will mean a level of discrepancy in our individual priorities...

taking our mindfulness away from achieving the focus of our purpose, 

the ability to align our thoughts to achieve the desired results, 

to ineffective communication, break down in structure and leadership,

procrastination, lack of responsibility and accountability, 

inefficiency within team synergy, poor time management,

the outcome of this is disruption and low productivity.


So often these areas create stress for us at work and in our home life,

which causes even more distress...  time off work, break downs

in relationships and in our mental and physical health.

It is most important to allow ourselves the time to give to ourselves,

to establish the synergy within life's journey and our self expression of work.


Once you have learnt the tools and the skills to create the change 

in clearing your limiting beliefs and behavioural patterns that no longer serve you...

you will gain your self trust, confidence, clarity and purpose for you to live

with vision, intention and determination to achieve the results you desire.


Skills and tools to create the changes needed to achieve your belief in yourself:


~ Limiting Belief Process
~ Positive Mental Attitude
~ Time Management
~ Stress Management
~ Mindfulness


Also offering small workshops and sessions in personal self development.

If you would like more information contact me.





"I have sought Jane March's advice over many years and always found it to be beneficial,

my net result being I am now more at peace within myself.

In more measurable monetary terms I can safely say my business has benefited,

the company has expanded its turnover in excess of 30% 

during this last financial year and this looks set to continue." C






 "Since working with Jane March my life and business have been transformed.


She has a profound skill at subtly and accurately identifying and releasing the blocks and self restrictions to ones success.

It therefore becomes possible through self knowledge to let those go,

and become the self aware, confident and creative person that you actually are.

This results in the ability to live ones life at a satisfying level and to fulfil ones potential, both personally and financially.

Jane March has a unique wisdom, with her guidance and insight - the world is your oyster. " H





Copyright © 2016 Jane March. All rights reserved.