

No amount of security
Is worth the suffering
Of a mediocre life
Chained to a routine
That has killed your dreams.

By Maya Mendoza





Any behaviour towards someone that causes deliberate harm or upset can be considered abuse.  

There are many different types of abuse whilst the more common forms include:


Domestic violence



There are lots of different reasons why people stay in abusive relationships.

You might feel frightened to leave as you worry that the person abusing you,

will try and stop you and their behaviour worsen.

You may feel a total lack of confidence in your ability to cope with life.


Perhaps you rely on the person abusing you for practical or financial support,

or you worry about losing your home and access to your children.

You may also enjoy the good times you have with them

and keep hoping it won't happen again.


Never forget that it is a crime for someone you know to abuse you,

in your own home or anywhere else whether they are your partner,

a family member or someone you share your home with.


Whatever the person abusing you might say, physical, verbal

and emotional violence like this is never your fault.


Nobody has the right to abuse you in this way.

You may be made to feel responsible and guilty for the abuse.

The source of the problem is the abuser, not you.


I will work alongside you and show you how to empower yourself

with the freedom of choice, to move on from the impact of abuse,

to understand the emotional trauma within you

as a result of your experience.





Hidden Hurt and Freedom


Freedom is knowing that from day one
the intention was to use and abuse me.
Freedom is knowing that I, or my children,
have never done anything to deserve
what was done to us ...
That person, the abuser, the fault lies
solely with them ...
None of it was mine or the children's fault.

Freedom is being able to enjoy each day
without walking on eggshells or waiting ...
waiting ...  waiting for pain ...
Freedom is not having to pluck up the
courage to ask ' why say' or ' do those'
things to me...
Freedom is about not waiting for the next
outburst of anger or rage, name calling and
blame projection and violation ...

Freedom is being proud of and loving the
person, who is me ...
Freedom is knowing that no matter what is
said or done I no longer am part of it and it
can not effect me anymore...
Freedom is knowing I am beautiful, intelligent
strong, truthful and courageous ...
I always have been.
I have achieved Freedom and it feels good to be alive ...

Words and thoughts from a domestic violence abuse survivor.

The list is inexhaustible.




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